FarmiHealth A project built for "IBM - Call For Code" 2023 to automate the process of assessing the health of a crop field. [Read More]
WeShare - Quality Assurance This was an agile team based project issued by my former institute to do Q.A. testing on a web app named "WeShare". [Read More]
Solar System It was a fun 3D web project to build a model of the Solar System just to remind me how great it is to be a coder. [Read More]
Pengu - A highly scalable Chatapp This is a project built to make a highly scalable Full-Stack Chatapp (Angular + Spring-Boot + Docker + Apache Kafka). [Read More]
Snake - Building an A.I. Agent This is a project built to make an A.I. agent for the game "Snake" using OpenAI Gym as the agents environment. [Read More]
3D Animation This is me experimenting with 3D animation to see how it can contribute to building great experiences. [Read More]
Tic Tac Toe - Play against A.I. A project built to make an A.I. model powered by a Game Tree to play "Tic Tac Toe" against its player. [Read More]